Friday, October 9, 2009


Today's Meditation: "I will be focused, alert, and sensitive in all that this day presents to me."

Anyone who aspires to become an effective leader in whatever their area of service, must first cultivate and develop a lifestyle and discipline of focus. It is so easy to become distracted by things great and small--especially when there is work to be accomplished. But I have learned that distraction breeds procrastination; and procrastination makes us unproductive.

Unproductive people cannot be world changers. In the life of those who are Believers, our unproductive-ness can be detrimental to maintaining the anointing on our lives. It can negatively affect our creativity, our motivation, and our zeal to advance the Kingdom of God. Because God loves you and me so very much, He will sometimes use whatever means and methods at His disposal to gain or RE-GAIN our attention. God's divine plan for you life and mine requires that we are always seeking; always open; always ready to both hear and obey His prompting.

Is God trying to tell you something? Don't let tragedy or a crisis come upon you before you decide that now, I will pray...Now, I will focus on my purpose...Now, I will discipline myself...Now, I will Focus. May God give each of us supernatural will power to stay focused on "the now" while we strategically prepare for our prophetic future. Amen.
Rev. Stephanie

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